Assalamualaikum and hi everyone.
Ayat wajib a.k.a ayat isu, "lama dah tak update post." hahaha well, aku harap aku akan still buat posting even 1 tahun 1 post je ;p
Ntah kan, ade lagi ke orang yang still update blog, i mean more to personal blog instead of business or other purposes. sebab sometimes aku pon tulis offline diary. hahaha sejenis takboleh nampak buku dengan pen mesti ada je nak coretkan, sebab nanti aku suka bile time passed and aku jumpa balek buku tu, aku dapat bace and remind what was happpened masa aku 'menconteng' tu.
My besties know me. #ykwya
okay, syae what's up?
alhamdulillah ala kulli hal.
itu je, sebab no matter how happy i am, or how sad i felt, semua tu dari Allah who knows The Best for me at the moment. faham kan? even kan masa aku nak taip ni aku macam nak story yang quite emo but then i dont think i should. better i keep my blog in positivity sebab yang akan baca all over again aku jugak.
so, I just want to remind myself je laa. habeskan quota perkataan perempuan in terms of writing. because there is nobody to listen to me, which I hope they will read.
"people speak because somebody is listening,
people write because nobody is listening."
but, it is just fine. you got yourself. you are the 1st savior to yourself. so anytime you got shut, you got hit, you got the best, you got anything, it is you the first to celebrate and acknowledge.
if you don't do that. nobody would. they may do but how can you accept you if you, even don't do that.
in this beautiful month, we get the chance to do more good deeds which the rewards are multiplied so much, but don't ever forget you also can be in 'test' too. this is when Allah wants to see if you are really you and if you are actually capable to do more 'good' than usual.
besides, masa ni jugak ada certain things Allah makbulkan terus hajat tu, ada yang Allah hold lagi, lambat sikit bagi, or ada jugak yang Allah hold lagi lama. tbh, ada doa yang aku dah lama mintak which aku perasaan this is what I want on Ramadhan 4 years ago. Allahu, and yet Allah still holding on it.
Kadang rasa memang banyak ni submission doa kat Allah ni, and rasa terharu ada, rasa excited ada, rasa debor pon ada. Sebab, Allah janji all the doa dia akan granted. on His way and in His matter of time je.
tipu lah klo takde selit rasa sedih bile doa tu belom terjawab, but bile reflect balek yang His Promises is true, terus rasa terpujuk. alhamdulillah. even not in a blink of seconds laa terus rasa tenang tu sbb I ni manusia biasa tau sobs.
knowing that Allah knows everything so well is enough, knowing that I am doing that for the sake of Him and He will handle the rest, put me, put us in ease, kan? inshaAllah.
a few days more before Ramadhan habes, so lets submit lagi doa banyak banyak. we never know when it will be granted but the sure things is, you will never come back empty-handed yeay! thank you Allah.
tu je laa kot rasa bebelan hari ni. risau kang melalut sangat. kite nak keep clean blog ni sbb nanti jadi saham akhirat tau bile aku mati and orang masihh bace. so thats all guys! salam Ramadhan dan semoga diterima sgl amal ibadah, direzekikan bertemu lailatulqadar dan Allah permudahkan segala urusan kehidupan dunia akhirat. aamiiin ya Mujib.
salam kasih, salam sayang.
salam ukhuwah.
n/s : alhamdulillah untuk rezeki ruang dan masa kita bersama di bulan mulia ini. moga Allah kurnia lagi rezeki bertemu Ramadhan akan datang dalam keadaan yang lebih baik lagi. rindu rasa nak borak HtH. moga Allah bantu kita. aamiin
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